Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Annual Conference #1

I've been attending North Texas Annual Conference (United Methodist Church) events for the past few days.

This is an "election year" - meaning, we are electing our delegations, both lay and clergy, to go to General Conference and Jurisdictional Conference.

A basic UM hierarchy:

Charge Conference (most often a single church, sometimes multiple church bodies linked together)
District Conference (a collection of Charge Conferences)
Annual Conference (covers from a region in a state to 1 or 2 states connected)
Jurisdictional Conference (1 of 5 existing in the United States)
Central Conference (equal in hierarchical order to the Jurisdictional Conference, but found outside the United States)
General Conference (the global United Methodist Church)

My church is located in the North Texas Annual Conference, which in turn is situated within the South-Central Jurisdiction.

Annual Conference ends tomorrow. More on the joys of Church Polity soon.

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