Sunday, July 8, 2007

Music Rediscovered

I have recently resumed listening to a few artists I had neglected to listen to the past few months, maybe years.

I stumbled across my Derek Webb CD ("She Must and Shall Go Free") and popped it into my CD player. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this album and the profound nature of much of the lyrics. This prompted me to search out my Andrew Peterson, Mitch McVicker and David Crowder as well. I'm currently listening to a shuffle of those four artists as I put together a 3 week series on Leviticus chs. 17-26.

Webb and Peterson in particular get me to thinking. I need to really work on some thoughts and responses regarding their music. Great stuff.

I know I say I have lots of thoughts but never seem to get them on paper/blog. I hope to get better at this soon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I had some thoughts on patriotism in worship service: when should we have themed worship services honoring certain people, etc.

But then I went and saw an advance screening of the Transformers movie on Monday night. And right now, that is all I can think about.

I cannot describe how much I enjoyed this movie. The action scenes were amazing. The CG characters were impressive. The acting was not very good, but who cares? I got to see Optimus Prime!!

I did not realize how much emotion I still have tied up in this world of my childhood. I nearly cried at a few different points because of shear excitement. That may sound quite odd, but I was a seven-year-old all over again.

Unfortunately, I have heard other people thought the movie was awful. So, I must temper any praise I give with the negative others have given. Still, I will go see this movie at least two more times in the theater and will buy it the first day it is out on DVD.

Autobots, ROLL OUT!