Sunday, July 8, 2007

Music Rediscovered

I have recently resumed listening to a few artists I had neglected to listen to the past few months, maybe years.

I stumbled across my Derek Webb CD ("She Must and Shall Go Free") and popped it into my CD player. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this album and the profound nature of much of the lyrics. This prompted me to search out my Andrew Peterson, Mitch McVicker and David Crowder as well. I'm currently listening to a shuffle of those four artists as I put together a 3 week series on Leviticus chs. 17-26.

Webb and Peterson in particular get me to thinking. I need to really work on some thoughts and responses regarding their music. Great stuff.

I know I say I have lots of thoughts but never seem to get them on paper/blog. I hope to get better at this soon.

1 comment:

Janelle and Ella said...

When are you going to update your blog? I just discovered it and need a new post to comment on! :-)