Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I had some thoughts on patriotism in worship service: when should we have themed worship services honoring certain people, etc.

But then I went and saw an advance screening of the Transformers movie on Monday night. And right now, that is all I can think about.

I cannot describe how much I enjoyed this movie. The action scenes were amazing. The CG characters were impressive. The acting was not very good, but who cares? I got to see Optimus Prime!!

I did not realize how much emotion I still have tied up in this world of my childhood. I nearly cried at a few different points because of shear excitement. That may sound quite odd, but I was a seven-year-old all over again.

Unfortunately, I have heard other people thought the movie was awful. So, I must temper any praise I give with the negative others have given. Still, I will go see this movie at least two more times in the theater and will buy it the first day it is out on DVD.

Autobots, ROLL OUT!

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